08 June 2007

squid proteins for invisibility cloak

The neurophilosophy blog at wordpress announced yesterday that
a new study into the biophysical properties of a highly reflective and self-organizing squid protein called reflectin will inform researchers about the process of “bottom-up” synthesis of nanoscale structures and could lead to the development of thin-film coatings for microstructured materials, bringing scientists one step closer to the development of an “invisibility cloak.”
We don't know how this would work. But we think it's cool none the less!! If you're actually scientifically minded and would like to check out the details, please report back to us and explain it all to the rest of us in layman's terms. In the mean time we'll just sit back and read some Harry Potter (who is clearly miles ahead of all of us, seeing as he has been using his invisibility cloak from day one!).

too many sources to cite, thank and disclaim. as ever we have nothing to do with any of the above info. but are (as ever) eternally grateful to all concerned. you know who you are (even though we may not).

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