08 June 2007

"eco-friendly meat"

A few days ago i (a convinced carnivore) was having a discussion with a recently-turned vegetarian and a few other friends about the idea of being vegetarian "on principle" (i.e. on the principle that cruelty to animals should not be condoned and therefore the consumption of meat should be boycotted). This conversation eventually yielded the purely hypothetical idea of growing lamb shanks, chicken wings or bits of cow for tenderloin steak in a greenhouse. Preposterous, you say? Well, lo and behold - without even specifically searching for it (i had nearly forgotten the whole idea by the time i was next online), i stumbled across this, purely by chance.
Admittedly, not quite what we had envisaged....but give them a few months and they'll be spot on.
(At which point i, too, might very well convert to vegetarianism!!!)

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