06 January 2008

for the love of airports and planes

We don't exactly have a short history of flying. And yet, there's something strangely enthralling about those massive objects that transport people and goods across land, water, mountains and clouds seemingly effortlessly. Until, that is, a shock freeze comes along between boarding and scheduled take-off.
That calls for instant de-icing.
Which looks kinda spooky at first. But respectively cool (or hot) up close.
here's a pic of our neighbouring plane being de-iced.

Why they got first dibs no one really knows...but I shan't complain. Any excuse for a good photo opp is always fully appreciated.

......and here's a quick three-photo sequence of when it was our turn to get the de-icing treatment. Can you blame me for getting a little over excited? I think not!

(click on pic for full size)

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