26 August 2007


In case it's not blatantly obvious yet, WE LOVE DOGS!

So imagine how my heart leapt upon reading the story of Hachikō, the Japanese dog that DEFINES loyalty!

Not quite news as such (Hachikō died in 1935), the story is still heart-warming.

Basically, Hachikō came to Tokyo in 1924, best friend to a Tokyo University Professor. And, as a true best friend would, Hachikō accompanied him to the station every morning and waited for his return in the afternoon.

One day in May 1925, the professor went to work in the morning, never to return. Hachikō did not attend his funeral, but returned to Shibuya Station every day, loyally waiting for his master until his (Hachikō's) death ten years later. The station now sports a statue of Hachikō, commemorating him in bronze.
Pamela S. Turner has written a book about Hachikō, winning a number of rewards, and, in 1987, a Japanese movie, Hachikō monogatari was released in the dog's honour. In recent developments to revive this story of loyalty, hope and compassion, Richard Gere has signed a deal to star in a hollywood remake called simply, Hachiko: A dog's story, to be aired in 2008.
Why are we devoting a whole post to this?
Because WE LOVE DOGS!!
Disclaimer: no proceeds go to us from Wikipedia, IMDb or Mrs. Turner. Nor are we in any way or form seeking to promote any of this for any commercial benefit whatsoever. If anything, we just want to share our never-ending admiration for puppies of all shapes and sizes. :D

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