03 July 2007

Lightning Strike Survivor Conference

Did you know that the odds of being struck by lightning (in the USA) are 1:280,000?
Neither did we.
Did you also know that 9 out of 10 people who are struck by lightning survive?
Neither did we.
Fascinating, isn't it? What's more: the month of June saw the wake of a rather unusual conference held in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, USA: a conference where lightning strike survivors share their stories, experiences and quirks as a result of their fate.

The effects of lightning differ from one person to the next and are completely unpredictable. But the one thing all victims have in common is that, for fractions of a second, the body is exposed to an electric charge of up to tens of thousands of amperes -- enough electricity to power billions of light bulbs for a split second. The damage depends on the path the current seeks as it passes through the body to the ground.
Unfortunately, although many people actually do not suffer any long-term damage as a result of being struck by lightning, most suffer year-long repercussions.

Be sure to check out Spiegel Online's report on this year's conference in three parts:
  1. Lightning Strike Survivors Meet For World Conference
  2. The Struggle to Gain Recognition
  3. Small Private Dramas for the Unlucky Few

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