24 December 2006

sure about that?

Indian athlete fails gender test
what??? yep, erm...what is a gender test? and apparently, it's possible to fail a gender test...who knew? anyways, go to this BBC page to read the article. then, if you're like m and burning to know what a gender test even is and how in the world it's possible to fail a gender test, direct yourself to this page to find out more. it does an excellent job of explaining what's what...and in layman's terms too!!

DISCLAIMER: "Indian athlete fails gender test" is the property of the BBC, and thus is owned by the British Government (All hail the Queen!!). Chiboa does NOT make $$$ out of posting this, and only does it because we loves the BBC and are all about promoting it (yes, at least t feels like we should get commission for this). Likewise, "Maria's Story" is the property of Med Help International (as well as Maria Patino), and chiboa is sure they would like to keep it that way. As with the BBC article, no $$$ is being made for chiboa by posting this. We just like the weird and the interesting, and this tops both cakes, so...

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