22 December 2006

bigger, taller, sparklier

at first sight, you may think "wow, that's a tall tree".

well, look again.

the 28,000 twigs of this 20-metre high monster which decoratively stands at the main entrance to Berlin's central train station are hung with roughly 40,000 christmas ornaments and shiny sparkly aurora-borealis crystals.

get a bit closer and this is what you see:

....as you can see, at any attempt at getting closer still my camera let me down. but here goes anyway:

..... i suppose at this juncture i should mention that all this sparkly goodness is brought to us by these people. as per usual, chiboa has nothing whatsoever to with them and is just mentioning the source to avoid getting into unneccessary trouble, blah, blah, blah.

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